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The First Congress of Shenzhen Guangming Community of the Industry and Commerce Was Held

Participatingleaders and member representative of Guangming Community of Industry andCommerce took a group photo.

DistrictCommittee Secretary Wang Hongbin (right) presented appointment certificate tothe newly elected Chairman (President) of Guangming Community of Industry andCommerce Mr. Alan P. L. Li 

On theafternoon of Dec. 6, the first congress and the first meeting of the firstexecutive committee (council) of Guangming Community of Industry and Commercewas held at Guangming District public service platform. The meeting elected thefirst executive committee (council) and leading body of Guangming Community ofIndustry and Commerce, andMr. Alan P. L. Li assumed the office of Chairman (President)of the first Guangming Community of Industry and Commerce.

The first executive committee (council)inauguration ceremony was held after the meeting, and District CommitteeSecretary Wang Hongbin, Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee United Front WorkDepartment deputy head, Municipal Community of Industry and Commerce PartyGroup Secretary Cai Li, District Standing Committee of NPC Chief Zhou Rongsheng,Chairman of District People’s Political Consultative Conference Li Shiqing,district leaders Yao Wensheng, Qin Jingteng, Sheng Wanqing, Song Jie attendedthe ceremony.

Wang Hongbinpointed out in his speech that Guangming Community of Industry and Commerce hasclosely focused on the general district development layout, adhered to the guidelineof “unity, service, guide, education”, given full play to its functions, activelyparticipated in administration and discussion of state affairs and made recommendations,provided scientific basis for correct decision-making of the Party committeeand government, and effectively promoted “two healthy” development of non-publiceconomy in Guangming District. Next, Guangming Community of Industry andCommerce will give further play to its advantages, earnestly perform itsfunctions, and strive to make greater contribution to speeding up theconstruction of a world-class science city and the northern center of Shenzhen.

Wang Hongbinrequired to improve political standing and fully understand the importance ofdeveloping non-public economy. Departments at all levels in the whole district mustfirmly establish a sense of service, fully support the development of privateeconomy, private enterprises, improve the system of the development ofnon-public sectors of the economy, further improve “1 + 4 + N” policy systemthat promotes development, improve district, street, community 3-level servicesystem, study and solve difficulties and problems in enterprise development intime, and provide fair and just development environment for non-public economy.At the same time, they shall further improve the first-class businessenvironment under the rule of law, implement relevant national, provincial andmunicipal policies and implement 57 measure to further improve the businessenvironment in Guangming District, so as to promote peaceful development andcontinuous growth of private enterprises in Guangming District.

Wang Hongbin emphasized that the united frontdepartment shall strengthen the guidance and support of the work of GuangmingCommunity of Industry and Commerce, support Guangming Community of Industry andCommerce to closely contact relevant departments; the publicity department shallintensify publicity to form a good atmosphere in which the whole district isconcerned about the development of the non-public economy and helps solving theproblems of the non-public economy. Guangming Community of Industry andCommerce shall strengthen its own construction and give full play to its roleas a bridge. The district party committee and district government will, asalways, attach importance to and support the healthy development of the non-publiceconomy, spare no effort to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the non-publiceconomy personnel, promote the high-quality development of the private economyin Guangming District, and strive to build Guangming District into aworld-class science city and the northern center of Shenzhen.

Cai Li expressed in the speech that Guangming Community of Industry andCommerce is the bridge and link between the Party and government to contactpeople in the non-public economy, and is the government’s assistant in managingnon-public economy. This year,Opinions of the Central Committee of theCommunist Party of China and the State Council on Supporting Shenzhen to BuildSocialism Pilot Zone with Chinese Characteristics are issued, which endowsShenzhen with a new and lofty historical mission and brings significanthistorical opportunities to non-public enterprises in the city. GuangmingCommunity of Industry and Commerce shall take the meeting as an opportunity toinsist on establishing by politics, maintaining by unity, reviving by serviceand strengthening by reform, closely focus on the decision deployment ofdistrict party and government, give full play to its strengths, carefullyperform various functions, solve difficulties and problems in the developmentof non-pubic enterprises, unify people of non-public economy in the wholedistrict, actively participate in administration and discussion of stateaffairs and make recommendations to promote healthy development of non-publiceconomy and healthy growth of people of non-public economy.

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