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Survive in Adverse Situation

On Mar. 30, 2019, the17th Supplier Annual Meeting of TK was solemnly held in the reporthall on F1 of the administration building. TK Chairman, Mr. Alan P. L. Li, CEOMr. Weng Jianxiang, executive director Mr. Li Liangyao, executive director andCFO Mr. Zhang Fanghua, Financial Director Mr. Yu Yaozong, HR Director Ms. ZengXieqin, Industrial Mold Factory General Manager Mr. Lu Gongshan, and InjectionMold Factory General Manager Mr. Yan Zhanshen attended the meeting, as well assuppliers from mold base accessories, processing, service and other industries.With the theme of “Survive in Adverse Situation”, this annual meeting reviewedyear 2018, shared achievement gained, communicated and discussed on change ofmarket environment and looked into the business development direction and visionin 2019.

The meeting was openedin the speech of TK Chairman Mr. Alan P. L. Li, who took a vivid example toemphasize the persistent philosophy of TK once again at the meeting,—integrity is the preservative ofenterprise. He emphasized on the special environment this year and expressedthat we would develop scientific, fair and honest cooperation with suppliers inthis challenging market,—“Survive in adversesituation”. We believe that “may big fortune follow a hair escape”.

Next, TK CEO, Mr. WengJianxiang, and the executive director Mr. Zhang Fanghua introduced the groupbusiness and TK financial index. For 35 years, TK has adhered to the philosophyof common development and common improvement, and cultivated suppliers into ourhigh-quality partners, so as to construct firm value supply chain. TK enters anew era in 2019, focuses on diversified industrial services and mainly achievesrapid growth in mobile phone and wearable device, commercial communicationdevice and automotive. The performance in the last five years rose from RMB 1.3billion to RMB 2.3 billion, injection mold business achieved 100% growth, andmold business realizes stable growth every year. Depending on competition meansof technology and competition advantages of service and product quality, wetake efficient operation technical expert as our strategic developmentdirection. The payment capacity of the group grows with zero liability, and thepayment punctuality rate reaches 98%. The group financial index has kept risingand new production base has built in Huizhou, with good financial index andcash flow. As a part of supply chain, supplier shall do well in efficientoperation of customer quality, cost, delivery and service, and provide relevantinnovation and technical solution, differential product and service.

As one-stop injectionmold solution supplier, the general managers of the two factories also reviewed2018 and looked into 2019.

The total quality costof the mold factory in 2018 was reduced and surpassed the objective of lastyear. It is expected to reduce another 15% in 2019, in which the pass rateobjective of mold base and NC in this year is above 85%! We believe that aslong as we are dedicated in this objective, effectively communicate in work,provide relevant training and assistance, accumulate the knowledge and reducevalueless error, this objective will be realized.

Facing the complexenvironment in 2019, we will divide functions and give priority to qualityperformance. We will provide relevant policy preference to strategic cooperatorswhile coordinating rational cost, so as to realize common development andcommon improvement. Facing external pressure and internal challenge, in thismarket environment with interception ahead and pursuing forces behind, valuewill be more important than price!

Our customers areleaders in the industry and have high requirement on innovation technology ofproduct. We will give full play to the technical advantage of TK, and improvebenefit through investment (such as two flexible automatic lines,multi-position integration system, industrial 4.0, improvement optimizationintegration, etc.)

The pass rate of theinjection mold factory in 2018 was 99.6%. In 2019, electroplating supplierswill be reassessed and integrated in 2019, and new spray coating outsourcingsupplier will be developed to reach 99.7% pass rate. It will be realized as longas we have the supplier support.

The growth ofinjection mold business in 2018 was 32%, in which the electronic demand growthwas obvious. 18 automatic lines were completed, and LSR was successfullyintroduced to realize mass production. In 2019, MES will be upgraded andpromoted, and AI technology will be integrated to ensure system management andprotect zero omission of customer information. At the same time, we willcontinue to increase capacity and establish Injection Mold Affairs Departmentwith the area of 15,000m2 in Huizhou for long-term development inEast China and Huizhou.

In 2019, we willreserve to meet domestic disposable medical product requirement, requiremedical suppliers, standard automatic service providers and environmentalprotection material development, and integrate supply chain to save cost.

The considerableresults of the two factories cannot be realized without the administrationcenter that supports quietly. As the department that serves the two factories,TKA also shows the purchase plan of 2019 to participants, which cooperates withindustrial 4.0 and strategy and optimizes cost structure, so as to realizeclose operation of the whole group.

Internal Audit ManagerMr. Xing Fuzhi announced 2018 supplier satisfaction survey at the meeting,which was maintained at 96%, equal to the data in last year, and the overallsatisfaction degree was good. At the same time, he expatiated onconfidentiality and integrity and took it as the business cooperationconvention that the suppliers shall abide by. He circulated three suppliersthat failed to meet the philosophy of TK, and announced complaint and suggestionchannel.

Q&A part was setat the meeting, and satisfactory answers were provided to the questionsproposed by the suppliers on priority to lower price, direct seller selection,long acceptance time, etc., in which any doubtful question will be trackedagain.

The meeting came tothe end in the excellent supplier awarding and experience share ofrepresentatives. TK is grateful for the long-term support and cooperation fromthe suppliers.

2019 TK SupplierAnnual Meeting(17th) achieved complete success under the commonefforts of the whole project team and participants.

We have annual meetingwith suppliers in TK. We adhere to the philosophy of common development andcommon improvement, make efforts and realize win-win with the suppliers, andadvance and retreat together in the face of special pressure and challenge in2019. Just as what Chairman Mr. Alan P. L. Li has said, we believe that “maybig fortune follow a hair escape”.

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