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The meeting for release of 2019 TK’s strategy ends with a great success

- Introduction -

Alan P.L.Li

2018 is an unusual but normal year for TK!

What goes up must come down; what goes around comes around. That’s the laws of nature.

Move ahead steadily in 2019!

When you are in good times, try to use any possible advantage to consolidate and strengthen yourself; when you are in bad times, preserve your vitality and maintain your essence, if necessary, stop or take a step back. Don't be defeated. Know where to stop. “Preserving vitality” means not losing assets and talents. “Maintaining the essence” means keeping in mind the business philosophy of TK - common development and common improvement. The business philosophy consists of six elements:

1. For customers: even if we get no profit or lose money in business, we can't move down market, but still concentrate on quality and service.

2. For suppliers: we can make no profit to suppliers, but cannot treat suppliers unequally and unfairly.

3. For employees: the company can lay off employees or promise no salary increase, but cannot stop providing opportunities for employees to improve their abilities.

4. For the natural environment: you cannot pollute the environment because of losses.

5. For the government: you can make no contributions, but you cannot cause harm. Please operate legally.

6. For self: you can keep moving forward steadily or take a step back, but you cannot be defeated.

Strategy for 2019 – Move ahead steadily, namely “knowing where to stop” mentioned in the previous paragraph. This is not a kind of conservatism, but a kind of rationality, and it is prepared. Advance to attack, retreat to preserve. Even in adversity, some things or people still have opportunities to grow. For example, after a storm, many marine organisms are extinct, but there are also countless organisms growing rapidly. Similarly, according to Darwin's theory of evolution, superior things will get better and better, while inferior things will gradually be eliminated, that is, the fittest survives. All species are the result of natural selection. Only those species that have strong ability to adapt to the environment can survive for a long time.

The environment cannot be changed, so we have to adapt to it. To some extent, success depends on our attitude towards our surroundings. Faced with an unfamiliar environment, some people blame others, complain about the unfair fate, and get trapped into distress all day long; while some people are positive and invigorated every day and try hard to adapt to the surrounding environment. The latter is easy to succeed in most cases.

The so-called winners are simply better at adapting to the environment than others. They often regard difficulties and obstacles as challenges and try their best to defeat them; so day after day and year after year, they have seen much of life, and surmounted innumerable challenges. By the time, it is natural to reach the peak of life, which is the so-called success.

How to minimize the impact of the trade war? In addition to adapting to the environment, there is another important factor - people. The focus of all business operations is people. How can people's enthusiasm and responsibility be finally mobilized, and wisdom be fully utilized? Apart from the skills of people themselves, leaders also play an important role. Leaders are patient to subordinates, and often provide opportunities for subordinated to improve their competence. Smart leaders accept that subordinates are smarter than them. On the contrary, leaders who are jealous of other people's talent are less smart. If the full score in “training and mining talents” is 100 points, I will give 50 points to TK. I hope that TK can manage people well to meet all challenges in the future, and keeps moving forward in the violent storms and waves.

Move ahead steadily!

On October 12, 2018, TK held a meeting for release of 2019 strategy in the lecture hall on the first floor of Building J. Mr. Li Peiliang, Chairman of TK, Mr. Weng Jianxiang, CEO of TK, Mr. Zhang Fanghua, Executive Director of TK, Mr. Lu Gongshan, General Manager of Mould Factory, Mr. Lyu Shuzhen, General Manager of Injection Molding Plant, Mr. Yu Yaozong, CFO of TK, Ms. Zeng Xieqin, CHO of TK, Mr. Xing Fuzhi, Manager of Internal Audit Department, Mr. Weng Jianji, Manager of Facilities Planning Department, Mr. Yan Zhanshen, COO of Injection Molding Plant, and Mr. Luo Siyuan, Marketing Director of Injection Molding Plant attended the meeting.

The trade war between Western countries led by the United States made 2018 an unusual year. Chairman Li Peiliang quoted Ichak Adizes’s Managing Corporate Lifecycles to show the rules of each stage of the life cycle. He also said that everyone should preserve their vitality and bear in mind the business philosophy of common development and common improvement, and that even if we made less money or didn't make money, we could not "move down market". In this regard, he announced the strategy of TK in 2019 - Move ahead steadily!

Next, CEO Weng Jianxiang introduced TK’s overall business development ideas and objectives that TK would keep moving toward an expert in mold and injection molding technology, and announced TK’s long-term development goal (2022-2026) - “develop TK into a well-known listed company with the market value of over HK$5 billion and the sales volume of over HK$5 billion”, medium-term development goal (2019-2021) - maintain an annual growth of 15% for the existing injection molding and mold business; form a team of business and technical experts to meet the business and technical requirements of customers at the international level; improve the control ability in M&A projects; strengthen the employment of capital, use investment M&A to increase the return on capital and the speed of business development, extend externally and expand internally, establish production bases overseas and increase the proportion of domestic sales (end products). Short-term development goal in 2019 was to study customer needs, improve marketing methods, change to an active “provider” of technical solutions from a passive “server”, and enhance customer loyalty.

In the following meetings, general manager of mold factory, general manager of injection molding plant, and persons in charge of finance department, human resources department, facilities planning department, internal audit department, foreign affairs management department and trade union respectively reported the medium and long-term strategies in each area and key work in 2019.

Through this meeting, all employees had a deeper understanding of TK's medium- and long-term strategies, and in the follow-up work, they should put these strategies into effect and turn the blueprint into reality. Looking back, TK has achieved fruitful results; looking ahead, TK still has a long way to go. Facing the new situation, TK will remain committed to the spirit of craftsmanship, constantly improve risk awareness, innovation ability and insight, and steadily move towards the global leader. Let us co-create a bright future of TK!

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